Starting from today, inspections and reviews will be pure pleasure!, Oferta - icmInspector – kontrola jakości, przeglądy, audyty, serwis, QMS, CMMS, 5S, BHP, HACCP, ISO

Starting from today, inspections and reviews will be pure pleasure!


It is often the case that management finds out about problems in the production process, machine downtime and a number of other undesirable actions with delay. In addition, this is incomplete information, and short, unclear messages. This prevents you from taking the necessary and quick action.

Often, manufacturing companies lack the right tool to support, accelerate and automate the work of controllers and inspectors. To meet these expectations, IBCS Poland has created icmInspector solution. It is a solution that supports the process of obtaining, analyzing and processing data from inspections, audits, reviews and inspections.

One solution - many possibilities

Implementation of an innovative tool that supports controls, inspections, reviews and audits brings a number of measurable benefits. In addition to improving the quality in the organization, the solution will detect incorrect and undesirable situations in the company. Checks are irreversible because the data is automatically saved, they contain the data of the controlling person, time and even the place of the check or inspection. Submitted data cannot be modified.
Eliminating paper documentation and transferring control results to the system allows you to collect all data in one place, as well as quickly find previous surveys, controls or reviews. Reporting module allows statistical analysis and trend analysis, thanks to which you can react almost immediately if any irregularities or side effects occur.
Based on an automatic tool that can even be used on smartphones and tablets, we also minimize the possibility of making mistakes in the data collection process, e.g. by forcing entering a number, or scanning a bar code, NFC tag or photo. Controller's work is more effective and efficient.

One solution - benefit for all

The indisputable advantage of the solution is that thanks to the extensive functionality it can be used by many people in the organization responsible for various aspects.
Survey creation module is a great tool for managers of quality and maintenance departments, or production managers who know what is important from the point of view of proper company processes, both in terms of product quality and maintenance, and proper operation of machinery and equipment. Thanks to the option of setting alerts, they receive information about irregularities and even information about alarming trends. Managers can also analyze data in the reports section, which enables the analysis of individual controls, as well as e.g. from a specific department.
Controllers and inspectors who physically carry out controls receive an easy-to-use tool that speeds up the process of completing data, in addition, they do not need to be entered into another system from a paper document, because they are automatically sent to icmInspector system. In addition, they can add photos, scan barcodes and NFC tags to their work results.

One solution - yet it changes so much!

The solution is undoubtedly a convenience in the operation of the entire organization. Tiring and time-consuming controls and inspections become simpler and more effective. Data analysis is fast and supports decision making and work planning.


Mogą zainteresować Cię również

How to? - Obiektywna kontrola jakości
Baza wiedzy

How to? - Obiektywna kontrola jakości

Kontrola jakości pomagająca podnosić jakoś produktu musi być obiektywna. Jeżeli proces kontroli jakości dopuszcza subiektywną możliwość oceny to automatycznie zwiększamy ryzyko, że poszczególne partie produktu będą się różniły między sobą i ich jakość będzie zależała od osoby wykonującej kontrolę a nie od wymagań i założeń jakie stawiane są przed naszym produktem. Jak zatem zbudować obiektywny scenariusz kontroli jakości?

Jak wdrożyć system icmInspector QMS?
Baza wiedzy

Jak wdrożyć system icmInspector QMS?

Wystarczy 5 dni roboczych aby kompleksowo wdrożyć systemu kontroli jakości icmInspector QMS. Po 5 dniach system gotowy jest do pracy produkcyjnej a organizacja procesów kontroli jakości wkracza w erę Industry 4.0. Przeczytaj jak to zrobić!

icmInspector – 5S
AktualnościBaza wiedzy

icmInspector – 5S

Zachęcamy do zrobienia testu lub przesłania nam swojego scenariusza, który skonfigurujemy w naszym systemie i udostępnimy całkowicie bezpłatną wersję DEMO.

icmInspector - kontrola BHP
Baza wiedzy

icmInspector - kontrola BHP

Zapraszamy do zrobienia testu lub przesłania nam swojego scenariusza, który skonfigurujemy w naszym systemie i udostępnimy całkowicie bezpłatną wersję DEMO.


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icMobile System sp. z o. o.
Al. J. Piłsudskiego 46
33-300 Nowy Sącz
+48 694 412 203

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